I'm assuming then that your PIR prooved the SWA armour was ok, as it was a sub main cable you took the R1 + R2 or the Zdb to prove your Zs readings and did your Zs reading fail as you mentioned to bring them down?
If the Zs failed on the PIR then that should have been coded as a 1 and the PIR should not have been completed until this was rectified.
If your saying that at the PIR the Zs was ok and proved disconnection but now your wondering if the Zs will have changed due to Parallel paths. If so then as I said leave the PIR as is, but on a MWC note that you have altered the bonding.
Lastly you said that you have now bonded the steel work with that 95mm^ did you take it back to the MET at origin. All bonding must go back to the main MET unless it is supplementary bonding as in bathrooms. You may have to consider running that back to the MET as I think steelwork is classed as main bonding.