"so far you have asked questions on Part 6 and come back with references on part 1 which you have learnt on FIA courses"
If everybody knew definitively everything there wouldn't be a forum. Aside from 72 hours backup what other differences are there in installing the new grade A system to BS5839 & LACORS / fire officers guidance here.
"the be all and end all, will be if Hartlepool BC sign this off" if they don't just tell the landlord to consult their own fire risk assessment and/or cleveland fires, fire officer, as they apparantly did before. There are no changes being made to the building construction etc and the replacement fire alarm is just a near like for like replacement of the accepted existing system
"not a local old timer fire officer" what reason do you have to believe the fire officer doesn't know their job, or that they have given wrong advice?
Apologies if I've read this wrong, but you are coming across a bit arrogant!
"Well hope the system is not wire in T&E, as it needs to be fp rated" the EXISTING conventional system zone wiring did/does not need to be FP rated
"nor link the mains detection into the landlords system, as the two must run separatly" I did not suggest linking the grade D / grade A systems
"but unless you are using an addressable system this cannot be defined." I'm not sure why this would be the case if the zones were cabled that way to allow the communal hall/stairs/landings to be their own zone
"Again there is no requirement to reach 75db at the bed head, nor to fit sounders and heat detection in each flat." Admittedly I don't have a copy of regs to hand and I'm going by how the existing system is installed (does have sounders in bedrooms, heats in entrance to each flat to monitor rooms which open onto the escape route- landings etc as part of grade A system) the LACORS guidance I linked to earlier and the fire officer later also pointed me towards.
Is there a mistake here
http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rc...6Oc6LQpc0ONcTFxtER2UbcA&bvm=bv.73612305,d.d2s "Both BS 5839-1 and BS 5839-6 recommend that a minimum sound pressure level of 75 dB(A) at the bed head should be achieved. However, it should be understood that this will not necessarily be sufficient to wake people under the influence of alcohol or other drugs."
"And not having 4 families, trying to escape down one set of stairs, because old Mrs Brown in flat 2 burnt the toast" the flats are 1 bedroomed with single beds. Existing tenants are all single men, there has been a young (able bodied) couple once in the 5 years I have known the building. If a mrs brown did pay a visit and burnt some toast, it wouldn't set the heat detector in the entrance lobby of the flat off anway. Four blokes making their way down a staircase nearly 2m wide isn't an issue.
"If there is a fire within a flat, the grade D system will awake them, and a decision can then be made to raise the alarm or deal with the false alarm." Yes it will, however it wouldn't be a false alarm if there was a fire.
"Risk assessments have shown fire alarms are not required in multi storey dwellings, and the sit and wait proceedure is standard practice in the UK" The risk assessment for this building and previous visits off different relevant people in the last 20 years and LACORS guide have said otherwise.
"If this was a multi store block of flats, the risk assessment would require no common fire alarm, as this would course injuries escaping. A sit a wait policy would be used here." This is a multi story block of flats, and previous fire risk assessments, fire officer, and presently the LACORS guidance on existing buildings converted into flats before 1991 building regulations, 3 story, identified a need for a fire alarm system. A sit and die of smoke inhilation policy is not in place!
"The use of double lined 12mm plasterboard is required for ceilings" Not in this case as it is existing 1980s conversion with board with 3mm skim allowing the required 30min protection."
I await BCs response next week regarding the replacement fire alarm system.