well actually more like paid short!!
did a job for customer, bill was ÂŁ112
no problmes there, got speaking had bit crack and when job fininshed he gave me money and a 2quid coin not a problem , then he offered me some jam (as he makes it homemade) very nice indeed! took 4 jars of jam and some chutney!
got home ready to cash up and do a bank run!! mother fo!!!! ten quid down!! got ÂŁ102
well probably serves me right for not checking the money properly!!
any body else had this problem!!
did a job for customer, bill was ÂŁ112
no problmes there, got speaking had bit crack and when job fininshed he gave me money and a 2quid coin not a problem , then he offered me some jam (as he makes it homemade) very nice indeed! took 4 jars of jam and some chutney!
got home ready to cash up and do a bank run!! mother fo!!!! ten quid down!! got ÂŁ102
well probably serves me right for not checking the money properly!!
any body else had this problem!!