What I meant was: when you install a programmable roomstat, the heating does not have "off" periods any more; it is like setting an old fashioned system at "heating on" 24/7, only with different temperatures.
"Hello boldspark",
I was asking what You thought I meant by the Quote that you Posted [of My comments].
Regarding your comment about Programmable Room Thermostats - This has made Me think that You must have misunderstood something that I wrote ?
As far as I remember - No-one has stated that a Programmable Room Thermostat should be used to Control the On / Off Settings on a Heating System - My comment was to clarify this which is why I stated that I have a Programmer that Controls the On / Off of My Heating System.
I have noticed from your Profile that you are an Electrical and Heating Engineer - I am also a Heating Engineer - So I am NOT writing this to cause am Argument between Us.
I am sure that You will realise that We must write for the Benefit of those readers who are NOT Heating Engineers when We `Discuss` this matter.
When I query what You wrote or explain further what I meant and then Add details it is for the benefit of others who may NOT immediately understand what We mean.
Just as a matter of discussion - when a Programmable Room Thermostat is Set Up obviously there could be Timed Periods where a very low Temperature Setting was Programmed - this would in effect act as an `Off` Period.
In Fact it would be possible to Set Up the Programmable Room Thermostat so that it acted as an `On / Off` Timeswitch by utilising the Timed / Temperature Settings - For example:
Monday to Friday - 06:00 Hrs - 22 Degrees
10:00 Hrs - 10 Degrees - This acts as an `Off` Period
16:00 Hrs - 22 Degrees
00:00 Hrs - 10 Degrees - this acts as an `Off` Period
I am NOT trying to be pedantic here - just showing an alternative option regarding the use of a Programmable Room Thermostat.
Although I would NEVER Install a Heating System without a Programmer or a Timeswitch - as well as the Programmable Room Thermostat.