Power down the panel, and measure continuity across the push button when it's pressed.
Hi mate, not sure what you know about these Pilz units but usually you have a dual safety circuit. And a reset circuit. There is usually 5 lights. 2 lights for each chanel on your safety circuit, both these lights should be on, if so, both channels will be made. You can then push reset which should send a low voltage back to the Pilz and providing all your required chanels are closed circuit (healthy) then the pilz contactor should pull in and your 2 output lights will come on aswell as your 2 chanel lights. When you press your reset button usually it also flags a light up o the pilz to let you know its fecievi g it.
check you havent got your chanels crossed. S11 to s12 and s21 to s22
Cheers for the explanation ..the fear was you were out on site trying to repair a machines critical safety system by asking a forum ...you can understand my hesitation to go any deeper without making it clear where you may have stood.... if this is just a test rig for personal training and not out in the field then a different matter altogether and would have helped a little to know in your opening post.
Right then the wiring plan is here ^^^, you can easily check if you have a faulty start button contact block or broken wire by momenterally putting a link between terminals S12 and S34, if the relay resets then the problem is in your reset loop.
If it doesn't reset then your issues may be elsewhere and again you can prove it quite simply by removing wires and fitting links on the loop inputs to prove you have no open circuits on the loop you disconnected or simply use a meter to check your loops are closed.
Cannot tell you anymore without knowing which of the systems on page 3 of the link you have.
Looks ok, quickest solution is to power the panel down, then just go point to point with a continuity meter to prove everything is as it is on the drawing.
I did all the first page of the thread except to simply connect s12 and s34 because I noticed darkwood updated in the very last post with more instructions on that side.
UPDATE: There is continuity S11, S52 --> interlock and then S34 --> INT3
S12 --> S34 is fine once I push the reset button (of course)
then S21 --> interlock and S22 --> INT3
So with the panel power down it looks like there is NO continuity in the interlocks. BUT of course they are closed when I power up the machine because I can see the green light on each of the three!
Interlock brand is MECHAN, just for info.
So and please tell me if I am wrong, the issue is not in the safety loop.
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