Morning all,
i had an electrician/plumber out to my rented house, ie not allowed to sort myself job!! whilst he was here i queried our wiring for the shower.
it is a 230v 8.2 shower with 6mm cable that was running to non RCD side of the CU on a 32 amp MCB.
i queried with him that surely the 32 amp isnt enough and shouldnt it be on the RCD side of the CU, my workings out are that a 8.2kw shower = 36amps
he agreed with RCD part and moved it over but has kept 32amp MCB, he explained to me that its the cable he is protecting not the shower, 6mm cable ref method B = 41amps.
can someone explain to me in laymans terms this theory as i am struggling to get this, i can see that we need the mcb/rcd to trip before the cable burns out so needs to be lower amps than the cable but i cannot understand if you have a shower that can draw 36 amps why the next nearest MCB of 40 amp isnt used, surely with a 32 amp MCB fitted it has the potential to keep tripping should we run the shower at max temp??
appreciate any replies
i had an electrician/plumber out to my rented house, ie not allowed to sort myself job!! whilst he was here i queried our wiring for the shower.
it is a 230v 8.2 shower with 6mm cable that was running to non RCD side of the CU on a 32 amp MCB.
i queried with him that surely the 32 amp isnt enough and shouldnt it be on the RCD side of the CU, my workings out are that a 8.2kw shower = 36amps
he agreed with RCD part and moved it over but has kept 32amp MCB, he explained to me that its the cable he is protecting not the shower, 6mm cable ref method B = 41amps.
can someone explain to me in laymans terms this theory as i am struggling to get this, i can see that we need the mcb/rcd to trip before the cable burns out so needs to be lower amps than the cable but i cannot understand if you have a shower that can draw 36 amps why the next nearest MCB of 40 amp isnt used, surely with a 32 amp MCB fitted it has the potential to keep tripping should we run the shower at max temp??
appreciate any replies