Adam,amber front side lights are not and never were legal,end of! the law states front lights should be white and rear ones red,amber may be used as side marker lights,and are mandatory on vehicles over a certain length.The reason you've not been pulled with amber lights on the front is that these days a lot of police either don't know the laws or don't care! The one that really gets me is the pratts who drive around with their front foglights/driving lights lit because they think it looks cool,If I was a copper they'd soon wonder how cool it was if they got a £60 fine every time they were seen with them on.Sorry for the rant mate but there,s that much going on these days it wind's me up,people with coloured bulbs in sidelights are another one,I have loads of extra's on my car,flashing ambers flashing reds and a roof bar,technically if I wanted I could have the clear ones that light up blue,however they are there for use in situations where they are needed,not like some of the numpty's on the road.One piece of advice I would give you is to wire any extra lights through a switch so you can turn them off if need be,then you can always argue that they are for show use only.Blue light / emergency light use is rather different to combining a side light / indicator light.
Amber side lights are fully road legal in the UK and I've been running them front and sides for 2 years. (Naturally as they are legal I've never been pulled)
also, indicators (which flash) are also amber. So why would combining the 2 cause such a stir?