Hey guys piggy backing off another topic....again...totally irrelevant to topic but it made me think of it
I was once told that if you had for arguements sake a socket on l1 and another on l2 they had to be a certain distance apart (i have 2m for some reason) is this a reg or just best practice? I was told the reasoning was is that if u had to points on two circuits fed by differenr phases you want them so far apart other wise you could potentially have someone get 400v if they had contacr between the both?
I was once told that if you had for arguements sake a socket on l1 and another on l2 they had to be a certain distance apart (i have 2m for some reason) is this a reg or just best practice? I was told the reasoning was is that if u had to points on two circuits fed by differenr phases you want them so far apart other wise you could potentially have someone get 400v if they had contacr between the both?