Hello all.
Sparky all my days (but worked in a different industry the last 5 years). Full 17th edition, 2394 and 2395 Testing and inspection. ESC Gold card.
Covid has killed my existing job, and at 53, I am struggling to find something new.
So... do I go back to full time sparking? Ideally not, but means must.
But, I am VERY rusty on some points. Advice VERY gratefully received
1/ Planning to do my 18th edition online. No real issue there I don't think
2/ Do I need 18th edition to be able to register with Stroma/Napit/NIC etc?
3/ Who is the recommended body to go with? Stroma looked good, but did I read that they are no longer accepting applicants? Many years back I was NICEIC (hated them!)
My testing and inspection is beyond rusty. I did the course, and then pretty much never did any testing.
I could probably barely remember how to turn the tester on these days (oh yea, need to buy a new one of those as well)...
That is going to be an issue and the only way I will pick that back up is practice I would think + reading up.
I would assume I will have to start up, get some installations under my belt and get them certified by someone else or building control, and then once I have a few to 'show', have those inspected when I apply to a body?
My old and tired brains thanks you
Sparky all my days (but worked in a different industry the last 5 years). Full 17th edition, 2394 and 2395 Testing and inspection. ESC Gold card.
Covid has killed my existing job, and at 53, I am struggling to find something new.
So... do I go back to full time sparking? Ideally not, but means must.
But, I am VERY rusty on some points. Advice VERY gratefully received
1/ Planning to do my 18th edition online. No real issue there I don't think
2/ Do I need 18th edition to be able to register with Stroma/Napit/NIC etc?
3/ Who is the recommended body to go with? Stroma looked good, but did I read that they are no longer accepting applicants? Many years back I was NICEIC (hated them!)
My testing and inspection is beyond rusty. I did the course, and then pretty much never did any testing.
I could probably barely remember how to turn the tester on these days (oh yea, need to buy a new one of those as well)...
That is going to be an issue and the only way I will pick that back up is practice I would think + reading up.
I would assume I will have to start up, get some installations under my belt and get them certified by someone else or building control, and then once I have a few to 'show', have those inspected when I apply to a body?
My old and tired brains thanks you