to get yourself fully registered and compliant will cost a lot more than £600.
Admittedly, kit prices are less now, but I would say it cost me around 10grand and 6 months to go through the process.
That included my PV course, ELECSA membership, REAL membership, Gemserve membership, specialist tools and equipment.
Then, when I got my MCS001 I realised how difficult the paperwork was going to be so went on another course for that.
Then I had to pay for a system to be installed for inspection.
If you get through all that and manage to secure an install then you'll also need the money to pay for the kit for that upfront because most suppliers won't give you credit unless you have already done some business with them.
One thing I haven't seen mentioned on here is that also now the margins are so tight you may find it difficult to make any profit on your first few jobs because the install will take you longer, unless you can get some experienced help.
Your first ten jobs will take you twice as long as your second ten, which will take you twice as long as your 3rd ten.
That makes it more and more difficult for those coming in to the business.
Thats before you get onto things like company launch costs, website, stationary etc etc.