Hi Markc,
Great pic - can you tell us a little more about it, were did you house the inverter? and did you have to dig a long trench for the A/C back to the house?
The inverter is positioned on the center rear leg. The AC side is 3core 10mm SWA trenched back to the ducting as fitted on the build which goes into the basement plant room. The panels are Schuco 185wt Mono's (3.330kWp) Inverter is a Aero-Sharp (will not use one again).
Gen meter in basement next to the consumer unit.
The tree was removed just over three months after the system was fitted and it did have a impact on the generation. Now the tree is gone is has certainly made a big increase and currently has generated just over 2000kWh.
The property (not the one in the picture, that's the neighbor) won a local "Keep Norfolk Rural" green award. PV is just one aspect. The property has Thermal, Biomass wood chip boiler, heat recovery units, heat stores, grey water and rain water harvest.