FitstartIt was the case up until about 2 weeks ago that certain councils (Scottish borders for example) insisted on a building warrant. However the building standards director for Scotland has confirmed that a building warrant is not required for solar pv unless i) strengthening work is to be carried out to the roof or ii) the building is above a certain height (can't remember exact height but normal 2 storey building will be fine).Most pv installations in Scotland will therefore not need a building warrant but your installer should confirm that i) and ii) above do not apply in your case.Hope this helps.Thanks again. So far one potential installer has said I don't need a building warrant, another says I do and it will be £350 based on total cost, and a third says it will be less because it is just the part that supports the panels that it should be costed on. It is totally confusing to the consumer and BC.