I know the value of individual circuit testing and don't disagree with your points above. BS7671 is the regulations though, so compliance with that is all that is required. Anymore than that is our personal preferences.It tells you if the installation meets an arbitrary value in the book without any regard for the situation.
An installation with 5 circuits could have an IR of 2 megohms and bee deemed satisfactory, and an installation of 50 circuits could have the same IR and be deemed satisfactory. It doesn't take much thinking to realise that the smaller installation is in a poorer condition, but both pass?
And what does it tell you when you look back at previous test results? Absolutely nothing as you cannot see which circuits are deteriorating and which are not.
Once upon a time the minimum value of IR was calculated based on the specifics of an installation, either from the full load current or the number of circuits/points, which makes sense as then it is related to the size of the installation.
But following a blanket 1megohm rule is just daft and symptomatic of the constant simplification of the trade to suit the lowest common denominator instead of striving to achieve a good standard
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