Thanks to all,,,still cant believe it,,,keep thinking they have sent the certificate to the wrong person,,,Ive checked the name on the certificate 3 I am returning to the industry and having heard what I have heard about the course and the exam (2391) and how it so hard it was with only approx pass rate of 40%,,,I am some what chuffed,,,that said I dont think its an easy course,,,I found the 17th Alot easier than I thought it was going to be,,,,as Im returning to the industry I did the the DEI with Part P and the JIB ECS Course and exam as well just to update and refresh abit,(didnt cost me anything) ,and I didnt find that particuarly taxing I must say,,,but that was probably due to many years of past experience...thanks again and good luck to all who due to take the exam and practicals.....