Hi guys, so I've moved into a new place but near enough every week a spotlight lamp will blow, tripping the RCBO and meaning I dish out ÂŁ3 for a new lamp. This has been going on for a few months and now I've had 2 MK dimmer module switches blow on me in the last week. They are ÂŁ25 a piece and I can't keep paying that sort of money out for replacements.
Has anyone got any sort of idea as to why this may be happening? At first I thought the lamps were overheating, but now these two dimmer switches going have made me think it might be something else. Are there any tests/inspections I can do bearing in mind I have no access above the ceiling as it's a ground floor flat?
Many thanks
Has anyone got any sort of idea as to why this may be happening? At first I thought the lamps were overheating, but now these two dimmer switches going have made me think it might be something else. Are there any tests/inspections I can do bearing in mind I have no access above the ceiling as it's a ground floor flat?
Many thanks