all the credit goes to chris kitcher for these videos. nice and clear look into testing. its a shame we didn`t have him at college things would have become clearer a lot sooner.
phil these are what i used as a aid when studying for 2391 the students who i am doing lv3 with deffo need a look at these
they couldnt name the tests or in which order or how to carry them out ended up explaining to them the tutor reckoned they should have covered it under lv2 but they reckon they were rushed through it
my experience of the 2330 sofar is it isnt presented very well and not in enough detail
its a far cry from when i was doing my apprenticeship the stuff i am learning in lv3 well given a hand out of read through 1 example question and answer and thats the topic covered in my first year as a apprentice we had to go into far more detail and do a lot more writing and studying related sciences , maths etc
practical elements
iw as expecting to be doing a lot more writing and calculating
not that i am making out its easy jsut think they arent teaching enough for people to fully understand