a question now on testing with a Megger. I've been practising on a dead circuits on a house renovation. But to be honest I'm struggling to use and understand the Megger and results and relate them back to what I learned on the course. I'm probably being dumb about it all but some help would be welcome.
1) Continuity of protective conductors - I'm sure the Megger is very easy to use and it does seem easy but I don't understand that way the instructions say how to do it. Can someone give a idiots guide to testing for this part?
2) Continuity of Ring Final Circuits - end to end tests seem to be consistant with 1 circuit having L - .27, N - 0.28 & CPC - 0.45 another having 0.26, 0.27 & 0.43.
Tests at sockets seem ok with each circuit with results consistant, around 0.22-0.29, and within 0.05 of each other.
3) Insulation Resistance - testing at C/U I'm getting >299m ohms while testing on 250 although some seem to creep up slower to reach it than others, problem? Also on boiler and light circuits I'm getting a reading of around 11.2 why? It must be something stupid I'm doing.
I have got electricians to go to for help but I'm trying to sort this out myself before using them as a last resort
Many thanks in advance.
a question now on testing with a Megger. I've been practising on a dead circuits on a house renovation. But to be honest I'm struggling to use and understand the Megger and results and relate them back to what I learned on the course. I'm probably being dumb about it all but some help would be welcome.
1) Continuity of protective conductors - I'm sure the Megger is very easy to use and it does seem easy but I don't understand that way the instructions say how to do it. Can someone give a idiots guide to testing for this part?
2) Continuity of Ring Final Circuits - end to end tests seem to be consistant with 1 circuit having L - .27, N - 0.28 & CPC - 0.45 another having 0.26, 0.27 & 0.43.
Tests at sockets seem ok with each circuit with results consistant, around 0.22-0.29, and within 0.05 of each other.
3) Insulation Resistance - testing at C/U I'm getting >299m ohms while testing on 250 although some seem to creep up slower to reach it than others, problem? Also on boiler and light circuits I'm getting a reading of around 11.2 why? It must be something stupid I'm doing.
I have got electricians to go to for help but I'm trying to sort this out myself before using them as a last resort
Many thanks in advance.