There are many forms of headdresses that woman & man wear, for example nuns and Sikhs. I see nothing wrong in women wanting to wear headdresses that cover everything but their face, Hijab I think its called.
Although I know some people find that sort of clothing equally as offensive, you only have to walk down a High St during summer and see scantly clad women (I'm not talking models!), who could do with covering up a bit, that includes bear chested males in speedos!
I was listening the Jeremy Vine show the other week, when they were on about Anjem Choudary, being interviewed on his show. A Muslim cleric argued the programme should of not be aired, but went on to say, when the BBC did, it should of had someone like him to counter Choudary's arguments. For example, talking about the Burka or Burqa, the fact is that it is not worn in many Muslim countries and its banned at the Hajj to Mecca (women are forbidden to wear the Burqa and Niqab, as they must have their faces uncovered).
For me I find it uneasy when I see anyone, who has their face covered. Someone's also mentioned motorcyclists having to remove helmets, going in to pay for fuel, as robbers have used to avoid detection. Criminals often cover their faces to carry out their crimes. Perhaps that's why most find that sort of headgear either offensive or disturbing. Sometimes I feel troubled, when seeing police cover their faces with a fireproof balaclava, but I suppose we have to accept they do that for a reason.
After recent events in France, I can see why bans are taking place. In needs a cautious sensible approach, you could imagine the clamour, if Sikhs had been the terrorists in France. I believe there is an 'anti-mask law' at demonstrations in the UK, so legislation can be sensibly introduced.
If very few women wear the Burka, and it's not supported by Islam, and if it's done here for security issues, public safety & confidence, I see no reason why we can't consider banning them.