So I'm an extremely well seasoned electrician - and pretty much thought I could do a workmanlike job of the majority of skills expected .
Conduit wiring . Trunking cabling – well it's endless as you all well know !
There are school boy mistakes we all have made , and still make time and time again however rarely, One of these (for example) is being in the middle of a conduit run pulling cables with companions only to find you have gone under something or around something --- and you look a fool , and the whole lot has to be pulled back . - you have been there surly or your not a spark's .
It perhaps doesn't happen very often, but I defy any electrician to say he hasn't run afoul of this slight lack of attention to detail now and again .
So to cut this short – I came across a very short clip and it has me wondering … well you'll see what I'm wondering , And I guess the question .is self explanatory – Is this a quirk I've missed that could over the years have saved hours of frustration for many electricians , or is it an illusion ?
trapped cables
facinating whatever - kind regards Duncan
Conduit wiring . Trunking cabling – well it's endless as you all well know !
There are school boy mistakes we all have made , and still make time and time again however rarely, One of these (for example) is being in the middle of a conduit run pulling cables with companions only to find you have gone under something or around something --- and you look a fool , and the whole lot has to be pulled back . - you have been there surly or your not a spark's .
It perhaps doesn't happen very often, but I defy any electrician to say he hasn't run afoul of this slight lack of attention to detail now and again .
So to cut this short – I came across a very short clip and it has me wondering … well you'll see what I'm wondering , And I guess the question .is self explanatory – Is this a quirk I've missed that could over the years have saved hours of frustration for many electricians , or is it an illusion ?
trapped cables
facinating whatever - kind regards Duncan