I've built a garage recently, its now all waterproofed and I'm thinking of putting some electrics inside.
Just not sure exactly how I should run the electrics inside. I'm no qualified sparky and don't believe I know everything (far from it) but I consider myself competent on domestic installations (apart from stuff I've not seen before, but I only work on my own system so thats a moot point).
I've a spare 8 way CU that I thought about putting in the garage. Probably overkill but its free and in known good condition. I've always wired up sockets in a ring for the usual reasons, but I'm thinking now since I have so many spare circuits putting each of the 3 double sockets I intend to install in the gargage onto its own circuit and not bothering with a ring (since only one socket per circuit). I see no problems with this, anyone else?
Secondly, I wanted a dedicated double socket for outside tools such as lawn mowers and the like (but the socket itself located inside the garage). Normally I'd use a socket with built in RCD for this, but considering it has its own circuit and breaker in the (garage) CU, is this necessary? I've no problems putting one in if its going to be a little more sensitive when I slice the cable in half with a hedge trimmer, but I remember something about having too much RCD = bad, so I'd like to confirm this before proceeding with that part.
Just not sure exactly how I should run the electrics inside. I'm no qualified sparky and don't believe I know everything (far from it) but I consider myself competent on domestic installations (apart from stuff I've not seen before, but I only work on my own system so thats a moot point).
I've a spare 8 way CU that I thought about putting in the garage. Probably overkill but its free and in known good condition. I've always wired up sockets in a ring for the usual reasons, but I'm thinking now since I have so many spare circuits putting each of the 3 double sockets I intend to install in the gargage onto its own circuit and not bothering with a ring (since only one socket per circuit). I see no problems with this, anyone else?
Secondly, I wanted a dedicated double socket for outside tools such as lawn mowers and the like (but the socket itself located inside the garage). Normally I'd use a socket with built in RCD for this, but considering it has its own circuit and breaker in the (garage) CU, is this necessary? I've no problems putting one in if its going to be a little more sensitive when I slice the cable in half with a hedge trimmer, but I remember something about having too much RCD = bad, so I'd like to confirm this before proceeding with that part.
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