Doing a price at the moment for a job with a very high spec and noticed that a request has been made to put a socket in the shower room with the specific use of a hairdryer. Unfortunately the designer has specified that it goes in the sink cabinet which is within 3m of the shower (zone 1) however the end wall of the bathroom is 3.2m from the edge of the shower which puts me firmly in 13A socket territory according to the regs. Now since the whole concept of putting sockets in a bathroom or shower room seems frankly wrong based on everything we knew pre 17th edition i'm being very cautious before saying yes. So my problem is, the regs relating to bathrooms make no reference to zones relating to a sink (which will be 400mm from the socket) however good practice for installing sockets in a kitchen would be to have it atleast 300mm from the edge of the sink. Everything that i read seems to indicate it will be acceptable to put a socket in but i just want other opinions first.