Was at a job today and noticed at the main incomer, it was an underground fed 2 core swa I think supplied by the leccy board. It had the neutral link up to the meter but didnt have the main protective bonding conductor from the same neutral tap off over to the met. Instead a pe went outside to a rod from the met, creating a tt.
Im pretty sure this is incorrect but would love to hear from some technical sparks on this situation please.
Just to add the rod was completely exposed and the installation was not protected by rcds as requried if a tt system. It cleary looks as if it was designed to be a tncs system.
Im pretty sure this is incorrect but would love to hear from some technical sparks on this situation please.
Just to add the rod was completely exposed and the installation was not protected by rcds as requried if a tt system. It cleary looks as if it was designed to be a tncs system.