Bear in mind if the compressors are inverter controlled, or are multistage they are unlikely to make a saving.
We have just surveyed 15 supermarkerts (we already did their PV
) to either install VO or LED lighting, - it's not worth doing both
as the VO won't save anything on the LED lighting, it also wont save anything on the T5 lighting and will only save on SOME T8. (We also put dataloggers in for a week to monitor voltage and power quaility)
Also some of the sites have inverter controlled or multistage compressors on the refirgeration units, once agin they won't save much on the VO - see snapshot of survey sheet for EXCLUDED loads.
So the VO compnaies don't like us proposing the LED lighting ,as their systems are designed to tke full load (no such thing as bypasses here
) the cost saving go through the floor if you have to take the lighting loads out.
It also depends upon the incoming voltage - the higher it is the better the savings, when we've got an incoming down at 235 volts, we don't bother doing the rest of the survey!
Don't get me wrong, on SOME sites (5 out of the 15) it is the right solution, on 10 out of 15 it would have been a white elephant, the problem is it a bit like solar some people are overselling it. You are welcome to use the attached as part of your own survey / cost analysis.
As for productsfor domestic use, - if it adds up, I like the construction, warranties (£100 cash back if it doesn't save 10%) and the price of VO4Home, that's just personal