"As usual we get relevant pease meal information, drip by drip!!"
And, that's how I - and no doubt others - also get the information. There was NO schedule of work given. The email read:
Topic line, 10 year inspection of (address).
Dear Sir,
Quotations are now being taken in respect of the above. Please submit to (office email address) by Friday 19th September.
Engineer, I have no doubt that your area of work runs like a well oiled clock, but I find that in my own line of domestic electrics, very little runs that way; schedules are quite often non existent and are 'assembled' through conversations with a client who as no initial idea what they actually require/want; sometimes completely wrong, often open to various interpretations. I'm self employed and I NEED the work, so i'm not going to accuse my client of being 'piece meal' with his request; I'm going to say yes sir no sir three bags full sir and, having tapped the experience of the good people on this forum, will be better placed to meet the client and eek out the relevant information in a cosy, non confrontational way - probably over an afternoon pint.
Unlike all the other posts i have received on this topic, I sense a certain fractious, confrontational and haughty edge to your words. And not for the first time. Please save your self all the exasperation you have with my posts and just don't respond. Their content is generally as unhelpful as they are unsolicited. I'll resist the temptation to copy your double exclamation marks.
You can take me as you find me chum, it matters little to me. I respond to threads/posts as everyone else does here. If you check, my post on this thread was in reply to your original post, which said nothing about the flats being privately owned or anything about a residents committee meeting taking place. They were both posted while i was replying to the original post, so i was lightly miffed that i had wasted my time as indeed the previous other posters had.... I, as i'm sure most, if not all the other posters assumed these were rented Housing Association properties or the like, NOT privately owned properties....
So what do you have to say for posts 10 and 13, you didn't have that information when you started the thread??
I think you'll find that most here are fed-up with OP's drip feeding relevant information pertinent to the advise being sought as they go along. Threads end up twice as long, but more than anything else it's bloody annoying!!