I've been asked to set up a training rig.
I'm going to do two UpSolar 190's with a Soladin 600 inverter (not an ideal match but about the smallest & cheapest system I can pull togethor).
The question is, if we mount this on a faux-roof inside the training facility will there be enough light to drive the inverter & generation meter?
Thinking aloud here; I could measure the amount of light in the training room and then work out if there's enough W/m.sq. to start the inverter. I guess the calc would be something like this?
From the spec sheet the inverter's Start Power is 1W @ 40v = .025A ("Istart")
The panel's Voc is 36.3v (array's Voc = 72.6)
The panel's Isc 5.23A
So to work out the insolation required to get .025A:
(Istart/Isc) x 1000 = Watt / m.sq required
(.025/5.23) x 1000 = 4.78 W/m.sq.
Which seems incredibly low (maybe I should put a rig in my kitchen and claim FiTs!? lol)
Anyway, if that is correct I'm now struggling to calc the W/m required to get 40V out of the panels. Does anyone know the relationship between insolation & Voltage?!
Any thoughts on the above ramblings much appreciated!
I've been asked to set up a training rig.
I'm going to do two UpSolar 190's with a Soladin 600 inverter (not an ideal match but about the smallest & cheapest system I can pull togethor).
The question is, if we mount this on a faux-roof inside the training facility will there be enough light to drive the inverter & generation meter?
Thinking aloud here; I could measure the amount of light in the training room and then work out if there's enough W/m.sq. to start the inverter. I guess the calc would be something like this?
From the spec sheet the inverter's Start Power is 1W @ 40v = .025A ("Istart")
The panel's Voc is 36.3v (array's Voc = 72.6)
The panel's Isc 5.23A
So to work out the insolation required to get .025A:
(Istart/Isc) x 1000 = Watt / m.sq required
(.025/5.23) x 1000 = 4.78 W/m.sq.
Which seems incredibly low (maybe I should put a rig in my kitchen and claim FiTs!? lol)
Anyway, if that is correct I'm now struggling to calc the W/m required to get 40V out of the panels. Does anyone know the relationship between insolation & Voltage?!
Any thoughts on the above ramblings much appreciated!