The reasoning behind my philosophy (which i totally stand behind) on having as low a Ra value as possible, is that the lower you can get that value, the better chance you have of forcing a protective device to trip, even if it is outside the required disconnection times. Your not going to achieve that with a single 1.2 3/8'' rod bunged in the ground i might add!! lol!!
So yes, an Ra of 200 ohm is very good (tongue in cheek!!) , but ONLY while an RCD device is functional!!! Totally useless without that RCD protection. And we should all know, that RCDs aren't the most reliable bits of kit at the present time, you only have to look at the threads in these forums, ...almost every day there is at least one thread or another complaining about failing RCD devices... I'd hate to totally rely on a RCD for my families protection, well i just wouldn't, full stop!!
Another of my hang-ups with TT systems, is the lack of understanding of what makes a good, or stable TT system. Most TT systems these days rely on a single 1.2m 3/8'' rod, bunged in the ground where ever it's easiest to drive it, and normally right by the side of an outside wall where all the old building rubble is normally found!!!
There are many ways of getting a TT system in a ''stable'' state and keeping it that way, not always practicable in domestic installations i might add!!! Which is why they should be considered as a last choice of earthing an installation, it is always better to have a TT systems supply PME'd if it is available on your DNO's local network....
IQ, ...I personally know of domestic TT systems in parts of Essex that by careful placing, 2 x 3m 3/4'' rods (extended) achieve an Ra equal or bettering a standard TN-S earthing arrangement, and that is stable year round without any soil conditioning, i jest not!! I'm sure that there are other areas in the UK, where similar results can be attained..