Your description of Bentonite is completely wrong Chris, Firstly you do not just create a pool and have the earth rod take the slurry with it.... that would be a complete waste of time and of the bentonite. Who on earth taught you that method??
Well, it's a method i've used, suggested by several chartered engineers who work for two of the largest Earthing solutions company's in the UK. where drilling and back filling with Bentonite would be to costly/time consuming. As i said create a pool and drive in the rod keep pouring the mixture and this will be drawn down with the rod, this will fill most voids around the rod and lower its resistance. Jobs a good un
Secondly Bentonite is a recognised throughout the industry as a working enhancement of earthing electrodes and as such a proven system. Your description of '' it will help a little but not much'' is totally incorrect. Maybe in the installation method that you propose, but certainly not, when used correctly!! ie, a bore or in a excavated trench etc!!
Used correctly Bentonite will fulfill it's function of substanually reducing the resistivity of the surrounding soil for probably the life of the installation, as it will continually absorb water/moisture and hold that moisture, it's also in it's own right, a conductive medium.
Not disagreeing if used as a back fill, though there is a limit om the radius and its effectiveness. Though certainly in many domestic situations i don't see many drilling holes LOL. The method i mention is relatively effective without to much hassle. Though i would probably use Marconite if i was trenching, it doesn't rely on water, Bentonite can dry out.
As for the other points you brought up in your post, ...Well there certainly better than most of the TT systems that you'll find in the UK, ...that's for sure!! lol!!
Depth equals stability first and reduction of Ra values secondly. Both are important factors in creating a ''Functional'' TT system....