I am 26 and attending college weekly to attain my 2330 qualification...having been layed off like a lot of trainee's ive spent most of this year looking for work in the lancs area of the country to help me gain more underpinning knowledge, so u can imagine my joy when i get a call from an agency asking me to start work asap on a new build....but...imagine my then crest fallen face when they refuse to give me the time off to attend college...i know there could be an option to swap my course to a night class but as this is a temp job for a month or so ...i have to ask myself is it worth it...i mean how the hell do companies expect u to be come qualified AND compantent at your trade if they are not willing to give u the time to attend college...i know the country is in recession but balls to it thats not my fault i just want a chance one little chance to work and be good at something....It seems strange to me that the country bends itself over trying to get kids from 16-24 in to apprentiships but anyone over 24 its the scrap heap for u matey...and why why i ask ...well its all down to cost....JTL and PFT get £15000 per year for anyone under 24 but over 24 they get £5000...so there is the answer flippin money.... sorry for ranting.....rant over...
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