Don't know if anyone can give some insight on this: UPS and a three way bypass switch:<br>Position 1 - Normal (UPS Power)<br>Position 2 - Bypass & UPS (Mains Power / UPS On)<br>Position 3 - Bypass (Mains Power / UPS Off)<br><br>What could overload the UPS and cause it to, well , blow up? gone through 3 UPS's! Not cheap. Spark has been and tested, reckons all is OK. There is a ferrite core transformer feeding the UPS, is it possible that this could be the cause or can there be a fault on the bypass switch that is creating an over-voltage perhaps, doubling up the 240v to 480 or am I barking up the wrong tree. What can I test before calling in a (different) spark. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, new business, no money!