Maybe im over thinking this but need to connect a UPS system to a control panel, the problem is the ccts i want to connect to the UPS are split & all the neutrals are all connected to a single busbar connection unit at the moment which is all normal, but i need to connect a UPS to power supply to 50% off the ccts (PLC ccts only) so can i common up the UPS supply side & Neutral side of this UPS back to the existing busbar connection unit or do i have to split the neutrals & connect them all to the load side only of the UPS.
Maybe im over thinking this but need to connect a UPS system to a control panel, the problem is the ccts i want to connect to the UPS are split & all the neutrals are all connected to a single busbar connection unit at the moment which is all normal, but i need to connect a UPS to power supply to 50% off the ccts (PLC ccts only) so can i common up the UPS supply side & Neutral side of this UPS back to the existing busbar connection unit or do i have to split the neutrals & connect them all to the load side only of the UPS.