would give up on this thread now that brands may have possibly been mentioned or direction given toward material or literature that may be taken or misconstrued as indication or suggestion of direction toward particular product types both online(on the internet and other digital media) and offline in the general public domain, as it could lead to allegations and/or legal representations against us(the members of this forum) for commenting or joining this particular forum "thread" remember that the general public come here to read about electrician subjects and could take links or mentions the wrong way regardless of whether or not any comments that may be construed as critical of a particular class or category/type or style of product or device were made before or after the post(s) possibly giving indication away from this website towards the general scope of the internet, given that the comments or preferences indicated may be misunderstood by the reader having possibly been read prior to the texts containing link(s) towards other published materials and taken as fact or professional opinion.
we should all remember not to mention or indicate or direct towards any particular product or seller of products as this may be seen to disadvantage that particular product or seller to the cost of their business or livelihood , and could lead to any number of legal issues or actions against us the members.....
readers of this forum, both members and otherwise, should take into consideration the fact that any posts or publication of text or images/web-links that could possibly be taken as or understood to be opinion are in fact merely random musings unless otherwise stated, and that no connection should be made or assumed or inferred between comments made by different members on this website including but not limited to those prior to or after posts containing internet web links or Brand or supplier names.