Hi sajeel
I don't think you need to take any comments personally. On every forum that I have been on there is always a mix of people with their own ideas and personalities just like everywhere else. I for one don't comment to insult people but as the main question of the thread has already been answered and I have been reminded to use my membership or loose it I found it a good place to start a few comments.
From my experience I have seen soldered joints ranging from as good as you will ever get to worse than spit although the techie word would be a dry joint. As far as sparks are concerned you are probably right when it comes to soldering skills as most of the good ones (as in trained correctly) very rarely use the art after the mandatory ohms law triangle soldering exercise.
You are right too about making assumptions the old saying is that making them makes an --- out of u and me
Quoting qualifications though does not prove practical abilities though any more than holing a part p qualification makes a cowboy kitchen fitter an electrician. My advice though for what it is worth is as above i.e. don't take anything personally just look for the gems that lay beneath the rubbish.
Best wishes