I have a new build flat in Wallington Greater London (Surrey), this is a duplex arrangement with 2 beds and 2 en-suites upstairs. One bathroom has an outside wall with a little window, whereas the other has no window or outside wall.
I'm sure there must be regulations in relation to ventilation, are there any, and if so, what are they?
The boiler I have is a Nibe F470, and you may be wondering why this is relevant, well the builder states the boiler provides adequate ventilation due to its Exhaust Fan feature. However, it's an absolute pain and doesn't make any sense to use it this way except when it's warmer inside than it is outside and one wishes to use the cooling effect (as stated in the Nibe manual). Nibe never state the Exhaust Fan is to be used for ventilation of an enclosed bathroom, since when the vent is switched on, it vents the entire flat, not just a single room. So you can see why it's a bit silly; to vent a nice warm flat in every room just to have a shower!
I'm sure there must be regulations in relation to ventilation, are there any, and if so, what are they?
The boiler I have is a Nibe F470, and you may be wondering why this is relevant, well the builder states the boiler provides adequate ventilation due to its Exhaust Fan feature. However, it's an absolute pain and doesn't make any sense to use it this way except when it's warmer inside than it is outside and one wishes to use the cooling effect (as stated in the Nibe manual). Nibe never state the Exhaust Fan is to be used for ventilation of an enclosed bathroom, since when the vent is switched on, it vents the entire flat, not just a single room. So you can see why it's a bit silly; to vent a nice warm flat in every room just to have a shower!