The VPhase will only regulate up to 20A, in fact it will only handle just over 3kW (about 15A) continuously, because above this load it goes into thermal bypass after a few minutes. Practically, this means that you have to split the CU so that it isn't supplying an immersion, electric cooker, electric shower etc (or the PV for that matter), on mine, if I switch almost anything else on with the kettle (toaster, microwave, washing machine etc) it goes into bypass. It can be a nice solution if you're replacing the main CU, but we haven't come across an installation yet (as an adjunct to fitting PV) where the electricians' found it straight forward to fit - and several where it was impossible. Consequently, if we're fitting VO, we're now fitting Voltis for home units as provided the PV is on separate tails/mini CU, it's just a case of inserting the Voltis in the tails before the main CU.