waste transfer licence most important please read | on ElectriciansForums

Discuss waste transfer licence most important please read in the Business Related area at ElectriciansForums.net

Oct 7, 2010
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Somalia ( its warmer)
I work for myself and also carry out other small works, I try to re cycle materials adn often take odd bits to the tip for clients, I dont have a van I use an estate car
now chatting to a mate it seems I really should have a waste transfer licence
I do have a waste disposal policy written up, on larger jobs I simply order skips or use a specialist disposal company
it seems the police are now stopping tradesmen and checking to see if they have a licence, no probs if you work for a large firm
but if you bring anything back such as cable to sell for scrap you need to register
basically you pay for a licence for three years and then keep a record of the waste
easy enough use a standard form or a duplicate book, as the client needs a copy as well
it might save you having your vehicle impounded and a big fine
its a bit long winded but worth reading through if only to make sure you dont fall foul of it
you could of course make the customer responsible in which case you are int he clear, I rang them today to ask a few questions and they were most helpful
of course you may see it as more buerocracy ( cant spell it) but either way forewarned is forarmed
contact details here


Not just the police, council can do you as well it would seem. Have been pulled over at several police check points only to have some jumped up council bod wanting to see in the back of my van! I have a licence to trade in waste and carry it, so far the dumps have said they don't want any paperwork, only a copy of the licence, no customer wants the paper work so far either! This has been around for 10 years or so and only recently have they started checking for the licence. You also need to know what you can get rid of. No more plasterboard in the general rubbish, that sort of thing.
plasterboard has always been seperated its the chemicals in it
it seems the police and Environment agency are clamping down adn trying to stop flytippers
where I used to work we suffered badly although it was a cosntruction company
we had 2 chippies on contract in the joiners shop adn they cme in very early in the morning and slung all there crap in the skips
trouble was I had 8 different skips to sperate the waste they were lazy and just chucked it wherever plus they had rahter loud voices adn the house nearby complained
we set up CCTV and caught them, plus we also caught the cleaners who did house clearance, several members of staff and the bloody caretaker
that dropped our skip costs quite a bit when they were pulled in
at first they all denied it but when the cctv showed up they were stuffed
Outside my unit the caretaker takes care of other peoples money while they dump anything into the bins:53: I like the CCTV idea, unfortunately he controls it!! I only pay a large amount for my unit and the bins that I can never put anything into !!!!! What I would like to know is where I can take plasterboard now. Noone seems to want it anymore?:angelsad2:
you can get a special skip for plasterboard its the gypsum init that caused problems
or if its small quantities the local council refuse palce will have a skip for it
mind we have a wonderful re cycling depot everything is labelled and spotless
but the residents of cheltenham are the thickest bunch of dogs I have ever met cos they dont read the labels
last week in a skip marked clean rubble only a fat slob and his son mini slob emptied a glass fibre bathroom suite into the rubble skip fat and stupid
depending on how much you have you could order a locking skip ( to keep out the flytippers) just for plasterboard, most waste recycling companies can handle it
this came from my skip company
Since July 2005 the landfilling of gypsum bearing wastes (i.e. plasterboard) with bio-degradable waste types has been prohibited. The Environmental Agency took the view that seperate disposal was not necessary where the waste to be tipped only contained small amounts (up to 10%) of gypsum bearing wastes.

However, following a recently conducted scientific study and report it has now been concluded that the 10% rule is to be abolished. Which, it is believed, will reduce the potential for the production of hydrogen sulphide gas at the landfills.

Because of this new directive, not all landfill sites will take gypsum based waste from January 1st 2009, meaning the product will have to travel further distances in order for it to be recycled. Inevitably this is likely to affect the prices charged for the correct disposal.

From the 1st January 2009 you must try to seperate the gypsum bearing waste from other wastes as it is produced on site, allowing us to arrange the correct recycling procedures for you. Of course in all instances, you MUST inform us if your waste contains ANY LEVEL of gypsum bearing waste.

There are two types of plasterboard, plain plasterboard and foil/insulation backed plasterboard. Each type needs to handled and processed using different methods, and as such may need to go to different facilities to be recycled correctly.
Most times the customer takes the rubbish so I get out of it that way. Regarding cable i take all the cable away and bag it before storing it at my compound. If I were to be stopped I would say I'm recycling the cable using it as interlinks etc this is then classed as "stock" little loop hole I found. They can't argue it.
This country could save a fortune by just cutting me out of the loop altogther, here's how it could work - I go out find work, provide insurance tools vehicle etc.. complete the job, now here's the twist - the goverment bills my customer direct, rather than me billing the customer only to pass directly to the goverment. Its just a thought.
yes but the 154 its for 3 years so its 50 quid a year
the fines however can be frightening plus bad press in the local paper
1 thousand pound a line they reckon it costs as reverse advertising in a local paper
10k a line in a big one
plus you could have your vehicle impounded
only a police officer can stop you however adn then the EA can examine your vehicle
it does work, a friend of mine is a copper they catch lots of people on the dole working!! why should we pay them twice
they also catch people without work permits this also affects you as it takes away work from you
and they catch people stealing stuff, smuggling drugs, uninsured unlicensed vehicles fire arms knives and other petty theiving scum who prey on us
and recently in my area a fw stolen vehicles on false plates
ever noticed how many white transit pickups are moving around all day in your area looking for scrap??
where I was working last week we had 8 different ones in one day and in every case the passenger ws a large fat male who never left the cab and was on the phone non stop
the driver got out and struggled loading scrap in fatty never moves and always has the seat right back so you cant see his face?
so what is he up to then?
yes but you cant call them pikeys now its not PC and may harm them,
mind they cant read
I was told you must call them by their proper name
Caravan Using Nomadic Travellers
ps the local cops keep a good eye out for them and on a regular basis I see a pair of fat pikeys walking to the railway station after having their trannie cubed
Whoops sorry didnt realise so its Caravan Using Nomadic Travellers not caravan using thieving pikey, - wonder if they have stopped selling pegs as well then ???
you can get a special skip for plasterboard its the gypsum init that caused problems
or if its small quantities the local council refuse palce will have a skip for it
mind we have a wonderful re cycling depot everything is labelled and spotless
but the residents of cheltenham are the thickest bunch of dogs I have ever met cos they dont read the labels
last week in a skip marked clean rubble only a fat slob and his son mini slob emptied a glass fibre bathroom suite into the rubble skip fat and stupid

Jurassic,you sure have a way with words
[ElectriciansForums.net] waste transfer licence most important please read
[ElectriciansForums.net] waste transfer licence most important please read
well it was the exact definition of the pair of them
I wish i had taken my camera ti would have made a great picture
you dont get that fat by working hard every thing they did was keyed to minimum effort
the car was filthy as well
Give a man a match and you will warm him but for a few seconds
set a man alight and you keep him warm for a lifetime
Are you in Cheltenham Jurrasic Sparks? Me too.Can't believe the number of our travelling friends around, they seem to be spawning by the hour! Came to a rewire I was doing and asked if I would like to pay them to remove the old cable, I politely told them where they could go! (which isn't always the best idea with the dids!)
I think they are dumping by my unit in SW London, the safety rail at the back of my unit has walked off as well(made of metal!) have 3 bags of rubble out front and 2 fridges out back. The industrial estate I'm on has cameras and 24 hr security!

Thank you for No. 14 Jurrasic, still laughing!!;)
well the ol bill are jumping down on them now
as they seem to be involved in scrap metal liberation
cant say any more as I have inside knowledge and you never know a word in the wrong place
walls have ears etc!
but keep a weather eye on the cheltenham echo
ps I have registered with the EA
all napit members are supposed to anyways
I dont do electrical work full time any more but also small building works and things for my client base
so often I have odd things to dispose off where its not economic to get a skip
last week a removed a 2 storey garage from garden it was hard slog for 3 of uss dn we coud not use machines or make a mess
did not break one single pane of glass or do any damage whatsover
but the garage was full of kids toys camping stuff bikes etc adn they wanted rid of it
so I brought it home and put it all on freecycle
most excellent it all went to a good home
its a great way of clearing stuff of little value
ps I get a few feelers that the scrap copper prices might be dropping soon?
not noticed yet cable prices are still silly as well
ask them if they have a waste transfer licence
public liability insurance
a CSCS card
and a JIB card
usually its no to all 3
that gets rid of them
also make a note of the vehicles number a rough description and ring the police station with details
I always write it down
they get very shirty if you try to take any pictures of them cant think why
Could you ask the nice men in blue to pop down and sort out the toe rags, my mate had his tools lifted out of his van, middle of the day on camera, reg noted, nothing done as it belonged to one of the travelling chaps, one very unhappy tiler.:ack2:

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