Went to look at a job today in a one bedroom purpose built flat which consists of two lighting circuits, a single ring final circuit for the sockets, a shower circuit and a cooker circuit with a single socket outlet. The customer wanted to upgrade the old fuse box to a CU in what on the surface appeared to be a straightforward job.However when looking in the kitchen I spotted an illuminated switch marked up Water Heater. I asked the customer what this was for and they said that there is a water heater in the loft, but that was all she knew. There was no reference to a water heater in the fuse box, but when I pulled the ring final circuit fuse I discovered that the switch was wired into this circuit. I havent been in the loft yet to see what sort of heater it is, but shouldn't a water heater be on its own circuit ?. Typically the flat has all recently been decorated and when I said about the water heater, the customer said it had been like this for years and never caused any problems. Not too sure what to do now, any advice greatly appreciated.