Howdy-I'm new to this site, this is my first post-I've been self employed since 1983, my advice would be to try and find a niche-something specialist-in the long term anyway-there's more money in specialisation, the market for rewires etc is saturated and highly competetive. Speak to your bank manager and get him onside at an early stage, tell him what you're going to do. Try to LOOK professional-appearances really matter, i.e.-don't turn up in a beaten up old banger with ladders and junk strapped to the roof-it doesn't inspire confidence. Don't think too small, the world is full of 'no job too small' merchants, it's a cul-de-sac. Think profit at all times, you're not in it for the fun. Once you have a good customer (one who pays ON TIME) never let them down-they are hard to get and dead easy to lose. Don't be afraid to sell yourself, and keep your paperwork up to date! Phew.