I don't see why not harry98
Shakey i am not a tutor any longer!! and i only was for a couple of years!! Back in lofts and understairs cupboards for me, my Knees!!!!
i worked briefly for a private trainer in based in Southampton and taught 2360 in Guildford to a small group up till 2006 (all passed 2360!!) i survived an ALI inspection where the Inspector recommended i got some formal teaching qualifications, my bosses wouldn't put their hands in their pockets so despite qualifying as an A1 Assessor and assessing on 2356 i left to join Uxbridge College a year ago again with the promise of teacher training, but to cut a long story short i quit before my 6 months probation was up, as a couldn't work for my ex policewoman line manager who managed by email, i didn't like the blame culture and politics of FE, i was persistantly pressured to pass students who either wern't up to it or not bothered, for funding. But mostly the salary didn't pay my Mortgage!!!
As they say "mustn't Grumble" (at least i don't do council house rewires!!!)