...just test your addition or test the entire circuit connected to the breaker, even though your addition is effectively separate from it?
To be more specific, customer wants an external PIR light fitted above their garage. The CU is a few feet away from where the light is going so it makes sense to spur off an existing lighting circuit at the MCB (there are no spare ways).
When fitting spurs in the past they've always connected into an existing circuit away from the CU and consequently, I've tested the entire circuit. However, this time the spur doesn't 'break in' to what's already there and is not reliant on the existing circuit for Zs and IR values. Your thoughts are appreciated.
To be more specific, customer wants an external PIR light fitted above their garage. The CU is a few feet away from where the light is going so it makes sense to spur off an existing lighting circuit at the MCB (there are no spare ways).
When fitting spurs in the past they've always connected into an existing circuit away from the CU and consequently, I've tested the entire circuit. However, this time the spur doesn't 'break in' to what's already there and is not reliant on the existing circuit for Zs and IR values. Your thoughts are appreciated.