I'm wiring a mates house at the minute which will be supplied from a tt system. The suppliers meter will be resessed into the outside wall. The consumer unit's will be located in a utility room some seven or eight meters away. They'll be supplied by a split con centric cable run in an underground duct. I'll have about 13 or 14 circuits (big house) which i'll split over two consumer units. So i'm thinking i'll need a 30 ma rcd protecting the underground cable, a 30 ma rcd protecting the cu supplying the sockets, cooker etc, a 30 ma rcd protecting the cu supplying the lights, heating etc and then 2 seperate 30 ma rcd's protecting the fire alarms and fridge/freezer. Thats 5 30 ma rcd's i'll need to cut down on inconvenience if something trips. Your thoughts would be helpful.