Upsolar effiency of 190W panels = 14.9%
Sanyo 250W panels = 18%
Yes upsolar gives slightly bigger system but effiency difference is massive. But someone mentioned problems with the Sanyo panels over in America, not sure if it would effect here?
Sanyo panels will produce more output, however not for the reasons you state.
The efficiencies quoted are misleading, they relate to power output / m2 not how much light they convert over a 365 day period.
So in
general principal any 3kW system will produce the same amount of kWh.
The difference is a Sanyo system will take up less space.
Now in practice that's not competely true as the Sanyo's use a different constrcution from normal Mono or poly panels, and they are better at converting lower light levels into power, so they work longer during a day and produce more on dull days, hence the greater kWh produced over a year.
As it happens that has nothing to do with the % efficiencies quoted.
The SAP calculations ignore technology used and only work on the panel rating and don't take different technologies into account.
To illustrate my point - you think you'll get 240W out of a Sanyo HIT-N240SE10?
Well 240W is at standard test conditions - 1000W/m2 and 25C
The chances of that occuring in real life are incredibly small, instead just have a look at the output on the spec sheet of a Sanyo HIT-N240SE10 - the output under normal operating conditions (NOCT) is 185W (800W/m2 45C)
That's way barring real world measurements over a long period of time, it is only an application like PV*Sol that will give you something close to a comparitive kWh output / annum so allowing you to compare panels.
Ignore the headline %'s they are about W/m2 instead focus on kWh/annum / kWp
This has been well discussed here, if you search for Sanyo you'll find a wealth of information about efficiencies, performance and output.
I would expect for two systems of the same size, the Sanyo will produce many more kWh / annum than the alternatives.