Hi, I have just re-wired my garage ready for inspection on thursday, there are two things i am unsure about, On the ring main i have a switched fuse spur that feeds two 60w outside lights, when recording results for r1+r2 and zs which results shoud i put on the EIC.
The results for the ring main are .16 but when i take the reading from the outside lights i get .36
When i take the highest zs on the ring main i get .80, when taken from the outside lights i get1.01
I no you always record the highest but as these lights are fed from a switch fused spur should i still be recording these as they are the highest on that circuit??
PS. i no the reading are high thats due to the distance the garage is from the house but all complies with disconnection times etc etc
The results for the ring main are .16 but when i take the reading from the outside lights i get .36
When i take the highest zs on the ring main i get .80, when taken from the outside lights i get1.01
I no you always record the highest but as these lights are fed from a switch fused spur should i still be recording these as they are the highest on that circuit??
PS. i no the reading are high thats due to the distance the garage is from the house but all complies with disconnection times etc etc