Thats correct, however, the DNO own the supplying cable, fuse etc (the important bit). the meter is only to monitor usage, not to provide any fault protection.
Therefore, they have the final say on how you connect your installation to THEIR supply.
Some DNO's will not connect a new supply without seeing an install certificate from an NICEIC or ECA registered member.
You are thinking far too much about this!!!
To clarify
1) The DNO own and maintain the supply cable and cutout/fuse holder
2) The electric company who you buy your electric from own and maintain the cables from the cutout to the meter and the meter.
3) The home owner is responsible for the cables from the meter to the consumer unit. This is why some suppliers charge if you need to upgrade from 16 to 25mm tails.
4) There is no obligation for a supply company to fit a isolator, BUT almost all will fit one on new builds or on request. Some charge, some don't.
5) The DNO or the supply company have the legal right under the ESQCR to terminate your supply if they HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE that your installation does not comply with the currant regulations.
6) The DNO is responsible for determining the route, length & CSA of the meter tails. Because different DNO's have different ideas on how things should be done, it is difficult to get a conscious of opinion.
I recently went to 5 new builds with the meters outside in box's. None had isolators and the meter was 5 meters from the cu.