While doing a EICR with another electrician today, we come across something quite strange on both of the rings firstly within the consumer unit for both rings there were two lines & two neutrals for each ring as there should be but only one cpc per ring, we tried to pull the cables through from the back of the consumer but couldn't as they were trapped within the wall. so went to a socket outlet to try and obtain end to end continuity on the cpc . we got correct readings on the down ring but open circuit on the upstairs ring. we then took a zs reading at each socket outlet and readings were good. The electrician i was working with passed the installation as satisfactory as there was an earth at each socket outlet. He coded the two circuits C3 and marked requires further investigation.
What i want to know is this correct should this installation have passed.
What i want to know is this correct should this installation have passed.