It is if you live in a house with limited roof space, which many people do.
Companies producing price competitive, high efficiency solar panels in China and
beyond are experiencing very high demand on their panels, for good reason.
I understand what you are getting at.
Lots of decisions are made with solar based on a lack of understanding of the
Many people buy the most efficient panel, when they simply don't need them.
Some individuals / companies create very large solar arrays with the "most
efficient panels" at great expense, in areas with space, when it is folly to do so.
In future, as solar gets cheaper, solar technology will be implemented by
people living in small houses, with smaller roofs.
Efficient, inexpensive solar panels useful in that scenario will experience very high
J A Solar is an example of a company experiencing that demand right now,
increasing its production capacity at a significant rate year on year.
Panasonic bought Sanyo, because it could see the future potential of solar.
Companies producing price competitive, high efficiency solar panels in China and
beyond are experiencing very high demand on their panels, for good reason.
I understand what you are getting at.
Lots of decisions are made with solar based on a lack of understanding of the
Many people buy the most efficient panel, when they simply don't need them.
Some individuals / companies create very large solar arrays with the "most
efficient panels" at great expense, in areas with space, when it is folly to do so.
In future, as solar gets cheaper, solar technology will be implemented by
people living in small houses, with smaller roofs.
Efficient, inexpensive solar panels useful in that scenario will experience very high
J A Solar is an example of a company experiencing that demand right now,
increasing its production capacity at a significant rate year on year.
Panasonic bought Sanyo, because it could see the future potential of solar.
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