Gentlemen sorry for dropping in .
Am asking the forum advise here.
Myself & the good lady rent in the private-sector . been rentingthis property for six years now . 2007 /2012
Myself have issued a certificate . to the landlord . 2009 , with some major problems , insulation-résistance being the worst offender well below - 1MΩ
0.4MΩ , down-stairs , radial-circuit .
(IR ) Upstairs , Radial-circuit , 0.3MΩ . which has a borrowed-neutral in-between two-radial circuits .
Oneof the radial-circuits , upstairs 4mm , with junction-box onto 2.5mm / Spur-unit . feeding combi-boiler
Kitchen alone , 2.5mm which is not atrue-ring . 2.5mm onto 4mm withjunction-box .
Thelight-circuit is on one-circuit by itself . 6A Single-cables / double-insulated on to T&E , with junction-boxes , junction-boxesin this installation 15
Bathroom lighting . is in zone 1 , mains 230V . the fan tapped off the lighting-circuit , with no isolation .
lighting-circuits, it’s a god dam mess .
Smoke-alarm battery only . no mains
My system is a TN-S, Earthing-conductor is attachedto a BS-951 - clamp , around the metal-sheath , !!!!!
Isthe certificate worth the paper its written on . DEICR .
Whatam asking , What is the law on this matter , from my point of view . is it worth prompting the NICEIC that the certificate is worth nothing .
I’ve waited years . So you can see I think there money crabbing ***** .
That’s why I’ll fight all the way . on this . matter.
Thelandlord . sent round . a ( Plummer ) to check myElectrics . AM - PART-P . Qualified. I politely told him to get the hell out theHouse .
27/9/12. NICEIC - Inspector . issued ,Domestic-electrical-installation-condition-report . Time on site .3/half hours . with a few-words I cant repeat .
12-faults . 8 - CI . 4 - C2 . Unsatisfactory . one or moreissues of safety have been identified . insulation-résistance has deteriorated, NICEIC ,
Inspector. - He couldn’t shut down the problems . without . turning off 3- circuit-breakers . ( I only have 4 - way ) The CUU. has a date 2005 . No RCDs
DEICR . What is the implications on thismatter .
Can I take this landlord to court ?? , the NICEIC have this on record DEICR . or start to rattlethe NICEIC feathers here .
without knocking out the landlords lights out , please advise . Amber . By thebook here . He’snot answering to my calls .