I seek some information fromthe Electrical-Safety-Council .
Private -Landlord . Private-sector
Gentlemen I thought I would make some decreeenquiries .
This was the reply .
Good morning ,
Thank you for gettingin touch. In response to your query; From a legal perspective the landlord is required to ensure that the property is electrically safe and is in a good condition.
While they have no legal obligation to carry out a condition report,
this isobviously the best way to ensure that the electrics are sound and we recommendthat they do so every 5 years minimum.
If you have concernsabout the tests carried out by the NICEIC contractor then it is something worthreporting to them, as they have a duty to ensure that their electricians aremeeting the right standards. If your landlord is in breach of the law and the electricsare not safe then it is something that you should take up with either yourlocal authority or the citizens advice bureau. More information can be found onour website here:
( PS . Myself no complaints about the NICEICInspector )