Thanks Malcolm, seems your in the same neck of the woods as me. Im in Ashford, Kent.
Yes the whole installation is covered by a 100mA RCD. I have made a note of the cert as the RCD is not type S. One other issue ive had to record on my results is the playhouse which is supplied from my unit does not have an RCD at its CU. This means the playhouse is only covered by the 100mA at the house. Ive made a note of it, but am I responsible for this, i.e shouldnt connect the p/house until a 30 mA is fitted? The playhouse CU supplies has one 32A Ring and one 6A Lighting circuit. The sockets are the issue as theyre likely to supply outdoor equipment.
Many thanks,
Rob look at page 4 of the Regs in the introduction, concerning the existing installation, it tells you that because it does not conform to the new BS 7671-2008, but perhaps to an earlier edition, in this case possibly the 16th, then it does not make it unsafe to use or require upgrading
That playhouse is protected by the upfront 100mA RCD, providing you have tested it and it conforms to the correct operation times then there is no need to worry about connecting it back up.
Yes agree that you should inform the customer that there is not the 30mA additional protection recommended by the BS 7671-2008, and for perhaps a safer installation for a few pounds you can upgrade it to the new regulations, but you have tested the 100mA RCD, and if it was good then there is no need to change the status quo.Then just note it on your EIC in the section for existing installation.