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Prices of Sanyo HIT-H250 panels at Segen

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Since the Japanese tsunami and the results Sanyo panels shortages, we've been having a nightmare trying to source Sanyo panels, particularly the HIT-250w. The only company that we can find that has any is Segen and they've raised their prices quite significantly.

We have been designing a lot of systems with the HIT-250 and this is a big blow for us. We either go for Segen as they're the only ones that have any in stock or lose the job. Of course, we priced the system on the old price so we're looking like being out of pocket. This is a constant problem for smaller installers like us.

I wonder if Segen can justify this price rise or if it is just a case of profiteering?
We were only discussing this today....!

If you look at the general stock levels on all the popular panels they ALL seem to be low or out of stock. Sharp NU245 is well documented as being upgraded and so all of a sudden they have no more in stock until the newer one is in place?

Day4 245's only 15 in stock?

Sanyo's all low?

Most stock levels don't look good until late June / July

So much for Segens warehouse move to LARGER premises? May be its a case of they are keeping stock for their big bulk buyers?

We for a time now have been looking at smaller suppliers. Some will do what they can on price as they seem to like the smaller installers. Keeps stock moving in lower quantities and so keep cash flow good?

I also have issues with Segen currently on selling products not suitable for the UK market. Monitor power supplies for example. More than one has now come with a EU two pin plug. Didn't think they could sell them here?

It is a pain when we have designed and one a system using a panel that is now out of stock or even worse totally gone or replaced. It's OK for them to suggest an alternative but WE have contracts signed for THAT panel not a lesser wattage one!
I would rather, where possible stick with local suppliers too. We've just found one around half an hour away who seem to be pretty good. They were a little more expensive than Segen's old price on the Sanyo 250s but if their prices haven't changed will now be the sameish, plus free delivery of full length Schuco mounting rails with no "compulsory" cutting involved. So I reckon by the time we've factored in that side of it the overall order is probably better for us from them.

Plus I'd rather deal with a smaller local company, as this is what we all want our customers to do!

It's a nightmare trying to work through all the different offers we get bombarded with, we need to stay competitive but I'd rather deal with the same supplier once found to be reliable...
i'm increasingly getting the impression that SEGEN are capitalising price-wise on offering a reasonable choice of different manufacturers product lines being available in one place rather than just a couple as offered by some of the smaller suppliers. That "convenience" is worth bugger all if when customer finally decides to order there's no stock. Our quotes are good for 30 days. The diary is tight enough as it is without grief of having to reshedule installs due to stock levels. There is almost no point checking "current" stock levels at SEGEN against that time frame. The wife's getting involved and her role will be hardware price researching (an extension to her current set of eBay'ing skills) and sourcing kit from smaller suppliers and also looking into alternative mounting systems like HILTI.
sanyo 250wp are in short supply - yes segen are profiteering
250wp in 4weeks all are presold at present
can get if required
240wp se10 480kwp
235wp se10 778kwp

or other 245/250wp modules if required in volumes up to 1Mwp
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Hi BiggsSolar,

This is EHSmith in Solihull, they're a builders merchant who have extended into renewables. So far we're impressed with them.

Let me know if you want some contact details,

Hi Guys,

The recent events in Japan are playing havoc with European Sanyo deliveries and we expect this to continue for a few months yet. As one of the smaller trade suppliers, we try to keep our prices and models the same as long as we can, but sometimes forces outside of our power dictate the costs, such as suppliers suddenly changing specifications (like Sharp) or the exchange rate changes.

Either way, we believe we are competitive even compared to larger companies. And if you are looking for a versatile framing system then please check out the Varisole system which we have a large stock holding.

And because we are relatively small we can offer a superb service - including next day delivery or collection options.

Sorry for the slight sales pitch, I just wanted to make you all aware that we are here to help! We don't overly promote ourselves on here!

Hi All, just to let you know that if you can't get hold of the Sanyos from your usual supplier, you can find a list of all the offical distributors on the Sanyo website:
SANYO Component Europe GmbH - Sanyo Solar Photovoltaics-Europe: Home - Distributors

Try with the ones in Germany or Netherlands when you can;t get hold of them in the UK.

I found some Sanyos in continental Europe last week, they're chargin a bit to ship them over here but given the situation I think that's better than delaying the install!
Thanks Paul,

We actually use EHSmith in Solihull every now and then. Used them today for some generation meters. I'm not sure they actually stock much stuff though - Schuco mainly and I'm not overly impressed with Schuco panels.

I forgot to ask them about Sanyo panels.
Wow there are some funny comments in here.
Lots of Segen hate by the looks of it.
We have had nothing but good service from Segen. Ok sometimes some deliveries have been a little late and the odd missed item but that is rare anyway and even when it does happen they sort it quick.
It seems that people are unhappy with stocking levels, not everyone can stock a million panels to supply everyone, if they sell out they sell out.
I have bought as little as 1 inverter and then usually sub 4kw systems and no matter what I order I get a good service.
They offer credit, £5k for a new customer - Who else does that for every installer, I think they are trying to help everyone, and they do seem to have strick policy on credit for every customer no matter how big or small, which in my opinion is fair. I used to work for CEF and Segen wouldnt give them any special terms so considering how big CEF are, the fact they treat them the same as a new business seems fair. If installers work to the REAL assurance then credit should never be an issue. I work to those codes and win more business than I loose.
Someone doesnt like an alternative if they dont have something, simple, offer your customer a range rather than sticking to an easy sell like sanyo and sharp. I have tried buying elsewhere and come across companies that sell and offer a good price but can never supply, I order early to get stock, it works.
Lets face it not every company is perfect, everyone will always have improvments that can be made. Even us installers!! They are trying something different with the online stuff and for me it works, order anytime, the onlie system has 99% of the info I ever need and if it doesnt I get a quick response from Account Managers. This is my first post on here and I have only registered as I found some comments really amusing, if people spent more time selling and working the right way rather than posting on here maybe they would be doing better and wouldnt have these type of complaints. I would love to know how many of you have had the balls to actually contact Segen to take your issues up with them, I know if my customer had an issue I would want them to contact me, you cant make things right if your customer doesnt talk to you. Considering the amount of installers there are under the MCS and how many are winging on here I think it shows that not just Segen but most suppliers are not doing a bad job.
One comment really made me laugh, stock, day4 15 in stock, funny, Segen are the only supplier for Day4 in the UK so cant be their fault the levels are low, must be manufactuer???
I only have one complaint, installers that dont know what they are doing, unethically selling and giving our industry a bad name, lets all get on the same page, its a young thriving industry lets give it a good name
Wow there are some funny comments in here.<BR>Lots of Segen hate by the looks&nbsp;of it.<BR>We have had nothing but good service from Segen. Ok sometimes some deliveries have been a little late and the odd missed item but that is rare anyway and even when it does happen they sort it quick.<BR>It seems that people are unhappy with stocking levels, not everyone can stock a million panels to supply everyone, if they sell out they sell out. <BR>I have bought as little as 1 inverter and then usually sub 4kw systems and no matter what I order I get a good service.<BR>They offer credit, £5k for a new customer - Who else does that for every installer, I think they are trying to help everyone, and they do seem to have strick policy on credit for every customer no matter how big or small, which in my opinion is fair. I used to work for CEF and Segen wouldnt give them any special terms so considering how big CEF are, the fact they treat them the same as a new business seems fair. If installers work to the REAL assurance then credit should never be an issue. I work to those codes and win more business than I loose.<BR>Someone doesnt like an alternative if they dont have something, simple, offer your customer a range rather than sticking to an easy sell like sanyo and sharp. I have tried buying elsewhere and come across companies that sell and offer a good price but can never supply, I order early to get stock, it works.<BR>Lets face it not every company is perfect, everyone will always have improvments that can be made. Even us installers!! They are trying something different with the online stuff and for me it works, order anytime, the onlie system has 99% of the info I ever need and if it doesnt I get a quick response from Account Managers. This is my first post on here and I have only registered as I found some comments really amusing, if people spent more time selling and working the right way rather than posting on here maybe they would be doing better and wouldnt have these type of complaints. I would love to know how many of you have had the balls to actually contact Segen to take your issues up with them, I know if my customer had an issue I would want them to contact me, you cant make things right if your customer doesnt talk to you. Considering the amount of installers there are under the MCS and how many are winging on here I think it shows that not just Segen but most suppliers are not doing a bad job. <BR>One comment really made me laugh, stock, day4 15 in stock, funny, Segen are the only supplier for Day4 in the UK so cant be their fault the levels are low, must be manufactuer???<BR>I only have one complaint, installers that dont know what they are doing, unethically selling and giving our industry a bad name, lets all get on the same page, its a young thriving industry lets give it a good name
if people spent more time selling and working the right way rather than posting on here maybe they would be doing better and wouldnt have these type of complaints.

Working the right way? I'm not sure there is any solution to profiteering by the bigger firms. A customer wants Sanyo panels, they want Sanyo panels.

I would love to know how many of you have had the balls to actually contact Segen to take your issues up with them

Yes, I certainly did. On every occassion that they messed up an order. The response was pretty much "Nothing I can do about it. It wasn't MY fault."

While I do find it a bit bizarre that you seem to be taking criticism of Segen as a personal slur, I am glat that they are providing you with such a good service.
I just feel by reading posts that people comment on poor service but very rarely good service.
Profiteering? not sure how you run your business but I have seen installers charge more than double what they pay for the goods. That is profiteering. I know from my days at CEF that profit margins are tiny, we tried buying direct and even then profit margins were low. Coming from a supplier background in wholesale I know that you cant always be the cheapest because someone will always run a loss leader or work on a couple of % in margins just to win bulk business. I went to segen with a list of all my jobs and they were happy to look at different potential discount levels, I havnt got the, yet but I have only been buying for less than a month and already they have put my discount up a level based on my spend so far. I did get better prices elsewhere but a lesse service. I now get prices the same as elsewhere and if I carry on like I am then it will get better.
Not taking it personally I just find it funny that no one posts positive info thats all.
It also seems that you have taken what you view as a poor service on a personal level? have you used them recently? I must admit I had contact with them while at CEF and recently their service has improved which considering I feel it was good before, is great
I just feel by reading posts that people comment on poor service but very rarely good service.

That's business. Which is why I go all out to make sure that I always provide a good service for my customers.

Profiteering? not sure how you run your business but I have seen installers charge more than double what they pay for the goods. That is profiteering.

Actually, that's not profiteering. It amazes me that they ever get any business, but it's not profiteering.

have you used them recently? I must admit I had contact with them while at CEF and recently their service has improved which considering I feel it was good before, is great

Really? In which areas did they improve?
Well heaven forbid you should ever maske a mistake and someone with your opinions comes on to one of these sites.

Ok maybe not profiteering in the stict sense of the word but it is just as unethical. The reason they gave me on the prices for Sanyo especially was that they supply price based on their buy price and when the manufacturer lowers their price Segen lower their price. I do tend to believe that as I saw other prices at the time from the likes of Cleaner Air who told me that they didnt have supply until the following month and that was the price for when they get stock in. Low an behold Segens price went down the same month. I even ordered at the higher price for delviery 6 weeks later and when it came to delivery they gave me the lower price and said they re allocated from the new stocking at the new price they were given, personally that is excellent service.
How have they improved? contact with me has got stronger, speed of service has improved and they way they deal with problems has got a lot better. Maybe this is because they treat installer better than wholesalers like CEF or I feel it is because they have invested in people, I was told by my Account Manager that since march every department has nearly doubled in people, maybe thats why they are better?
Well heaven forbid you should ever maske a mistake and someone with your opinions comes on to one of these sites.

Of course I make mistakes. The difference comes with what happens after that mistake. I make sure I put my mistakes right.

Perhaps we have different ideas of what good service is. I don't exactly feel the need to come on to a forum and congratulate a distributor for managing to deliver my panels to an address I have given them at a time that I ask. If they get it wrong, however, and their solution is "We'll get it to you tomorrow" then I'm not going to be impressed.

I don't think I've ever been congratulated for actually turning up at a customer's home.
And that just goes back to my point that everyone has a bad comment about service, I get the service I expect and the service is good, as I mentioned they make a mistake they solve it quick. So I am happy.
I just find it amusing that people are willing to go to the effort to slag others off online. It does make for amusing reading, went to one of their seminars recently too, impressive stuff, to me that is beyond the call of duty.
You have had good service, others have had bad service.

I honestly don't see what is so amusing about that but I'm glad the thread has given you a bit of a chuckle.
I'm pleased that you've had a good experience with segen Solarleccy on the whole I do too but my information is based on 12 months of ordering from them and not 1 month and I've had 2 missed deliveries in the last fortnight. In your month of ordering from Segen you've had missing items and missed deliveries - I'm not sure how that leads to the effusive support your providing for Segen.

Some on the Forum have had problems with Segen, personally I've had horrendous problems with other wholesalers but also some superb service. Come back in 12 months with a bit more experience and let us know then who you think is providing the best service we'll be all ears.

Coming from CEF I'd have thought that you would have understood the difference in economics between a national wholesaler and a local installer. Wholesalers stack em high and sell em cheap with a smaller margin but a much bigger turnover. Installers are exactly the opposite lower turnover, higher margins. Basic economics really.

Posted from a Respected Member (not my title but automatically assigned when I've wasted my time posting on the forum instead of generating work) of the forum who finds time to post and support other people at the same time as generating enough work to keep us booked out solely with solar until January :)

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