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My washing machine broke down last week .....
..... her doctor has recommended that she see a therapist

If she's with you then she definitely needs a therapist. :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
I do most of the cooking and washing the dishes. I like it.
here seem to be the fundamental ones which I find hardest to answer

The why's are always the hardest to answer :) and that's what makes the answers the most interesting.

because firstly I think equality of opportunity is important

Absolutely 100% agree with that. And if anyone can prove they have been denied a job because of their sex, they have a case for sexual discrimination.

This is why these initiatives are bad... we're sending mixed messages to men... "you shouldn't discriminate against women" whilst discriminatinged against them by giving women a leg up.

Clearly you're not one who's been unduly influenced by these kinds of expectations

It's not that I've not been influenced it's a case of kids aren't an option. I've never had to choose between family and career. Had I had to make that choice I suspect things would have been a bit different.

I agree though that it is surprising in this day and age kids are shocked by women being fire fighters etc. and I agree, that should be addressed.

And the right approach is to educate kids early on about this stuff, but we need to separate this from other parts of the social justice warrior agenda to be sure we stop their indoctrination in those areas (such as the transgender/non-binary BS).

secondly I feel that having a more diverse selection of people offering services is good for the public.

Yes it is good for the public and I know there is a demand for female tradies. Not just from women, but other vulnerable groups as well who may not feel comfortable with burly blokes in their house. I saw this as a market need and it is paying off.

Basically if the people doing the work are representative of the customers, the workers are more likely to provide innovations that the customers need.

I agree that for a target market, understanding that market and it's needs can help immensely when developing product, but in others the sex of the client is irrelevant. Civil engineering for example. The sex of the client is irrelevant (what would women want a bridge to do that men don't?).

But I do think this is a bit of a red herring because you can gain insight without employing anyone from your target market or having direct personal experience of it.

Extremely good question. I have no idea. In tech they make a deal about the fact that the first computer programmer was female, and programming used to be a job for ladies

Ada Lovelace and yes, some people make a deal about her, but personally the people I look up to in software engineering are all men because they dominate the fields that interest me (mainly game development).

You mention in your next post the fact that girls are good at maths early on and that this is a trait required for software engineering. Agreed. I'm good at maths. I was encouraged by my parents (as was my female cousin who also went on to be a software engineer). But it's not enough to be good at a trait or two.

To stay at the top takes dedication (long hours, the perpetual hamster wheel of new skills and so on) and for the most part it is a rather solitary pursuit. Yes there are teams but for the most part you're given a task and you get into your own head space to get it done. Take a look around a lot of software companies and nearly everyone is there with their headphones on. It's not a very social environment. These factors alone are for somewhat incompatible with traits common in women (you lot tell us we talk to much - yes, because we like to socialise and chat, and given a choice between work or family/friends we choose family/friends which means we're unlikely to be as dedicated as men as we prioritise out time differently). I could handle these issues early on, but as I've gotten older I've wanted to spend less time focusing on work and not be away from family and friends so much. Hence, my job and I were no longer compatible.

Once you start to look at jobs in this way it's quite easy to see why there is sexual inequity. Throw in the physical attributes that are ideally required and it rounds out the picture nicely.

With the current crop of feminists, in their distorted view, men and women are equal in every way and this is simply not the case. We never were, we never will be and we shouldn't try to achieve equity in every walk of life because it's detrimental to society and business. We're complimentary, we're designed to fulfil different roles and we should never lose sight of that.

You also need to consider the issue I've mentioned previously which is the frequency with which sexual harassment claims arise from women. This is bad for all women because it will create sexism. In the face of this potential threat, men will close ranks and when faced with a choice between hiring a women who presents a possible future problem (and I know not all women do) and hiring a man... they're going to pick the bloke.

That's not to say that just men are at risk from this type of woman. Long story short I nearly lost my career to a hard line feminist who accused me a physcially assaulting her. When it was clear that wasn't going to go her way she went on the sick with stress and tried to the sue the company.

Some of these people are dangerous schemers who won't think twice about trying to ruin someone if it benefits their agenda.

Fundamentally though everyone should have an equal shot, and I think for the most part these days, they do have that equal shot at the hiring decision.

But overall I think we should stop worrying about it, educate kids that they can do anything (within reason) and sit back and see what happens. There will always be anomalies like me and the other women who are in the trades, but we are just that... anomalies, and that's OK because most women are not cut out for this type of work, it's dirty, grimy, physically demanding, quite uncomfortable at times and there is great potential for broken finger nails, couple that with the plaster dust that dries your hair out on contact and well... you've got to be pretty crazy to do it in my opinion, but I love it :D
The why's are always the hardest to answer :) and that's what makes the answers the most interesting.

Absolutely 100% agree with that. And if anyone can prove they have been denied a job because of their sex, they have a case for sexual discrimination.

This is why these initiatives are bad... we're sending mixed messages to men... "you shouldn't discriminate against women" whilst discriminatinged against them by giving women a leg up.

It's not that I've not been influenced it's a case of kids aren't an option. I've never had to choose between family and career. Had I had to make that choice I suspect things would have been a bit different.

I agree though that it is surprising in this day and age kids are shocked by women being fire fighters etc. and I agree, that should be addressed.

And the right approach is to educate kids early on about this stuff, but we need to separate this from other parts of the social justice warrior agenda to be sure we stop their indoctrination in those areas (such as the transgender/non-binary BS).

Yes it is good for the public and I know there is a demand for female tradies. Not just from women, but other vulnerable groups as well who may not feel comfortable with burly blokes in their house. I saw this as a market need and it is paying off.

I agree that for a target market, understanding that market and it's needs can help immensely when developing product, but in others the sex of the client is irrelevant. Civil engineering for example. The sex of the client is irrelevant (what would women want a bridge to do that men don't?).

But I do think this is a bit of a red herring because you can gain insight without employing anyone from your target market or having direct personal experience of it.

Ada Lovelace and yes, some people make a deal about her, but personally the people I look up to in software engineering are all men because they dominate the fields that interest me (mainly game development).

You mention in your next post the fact that girls are good at maths early on and that this is a trait required for software engineering. Agreed. I'm good at maths. I was encouraged by my parents (as was my female cousin who also went on to be a software engineer). But it's not enough to be good at a trait or two.

To stay at the top takes dedication (long hours, the perpetual hamster wheel of new skills and so on) and for the most part it is a rather solitary pursuit. Yes there are teams but for the most part you're given a task and you get into your own head space to get it done. Take a look around a lot of software companies and nearly everyone is there with their headphones on. It's not a very social environment. These factors alone are for somewhat incompatible with traits common in women (you lot tell us we talk to much - yes, because we like to socialise and chat, and given a choice between work or family/friends we choose family/friends which means we're unlikely to be as dedicated as men as we prioritise out time differently). I could handle these issues early on, but as I've gotten older I've wanted to spend less time focusing on work and not be away from family and friends so much. Hence, my job and I were no longer compatible.

Once you start to look at jobs in this way it's quite easy to see why there is sexual inequity. Throw in the physical attributes that are ideally required and it rounds out the picture nicely.

With the current crop of feminists, in their distorted view, men and women are equal in every way and this is simply not the case. We never were, we never will be and we shouldn't try to achieve equity in every walk of life because it's detrimental to society and business. We're complimentary, we're designed to fulfil different roles and we should never lose sight of that.

You also need to consider the issue I've mentioned previously which is the frequency with which sexual harassment claims arise from women. This is bad for all women because it will create sexism. In the face of this potential threat, men will close ranks and when faced with a choice between hiring a women who presents a possible future problem (and I know not all women do) and hiring a man... they're going to pick the bloke.

That's not to say that just men are at risk from this type of woman. Long story short I nearly lost my career to a hard line feminist who accused me a physcially assaulting her. When it was clear that wasn't going to go her way she went on the sick with stress and tried to the sue the company.

Some of these people are dangerous schemers who won't think twice about trying to ruin someone if it benefits their agenda.

Fundamentally though everyone should have an equal shot, and I think for the most part these days, they do have that equal shot at the hiring decision.

But overall I think we should stop worrying about it, educate kids that they can do anything (within reason) and sit back and see what happens. There will always be anomalies like me and the other women who are in the trades, but we are just that... anomalies, and that's OK because most women are not cut out for this type of work, it's dirty, grimy, physically demanding, quite uncomfortable at times and there is great potential for broken finger nails, couple that with the plaster dust that dries your hair out on contact and well... you've got to be pretty crazy to do it in my opinion, but I love it :D
nail on head there, esp. last paragraph. the majority of women would not consider working in that environment of broken fingernails and getting dusty and dirty. it's nothing to do with equality, it's to do with how we are made. i'm in my element up to the elbows in muck, oil, etc., but mrs tel makes me take me pants off before sitting on the sofa. all dates back years to cave dwelling. man hunts, woman cooks the catch. it's only in the last 60 years or so that women have needed to work in order to increase the family income and move up the ladder. most women would prefer to stay at home, looking after the domestic side of life, but those who prefer to go out and work, good luck to them.
anyway, it's easter. eggs and bunnies.
here's some eggs:
[] NICEIC launches bursary to encourage female electricians into the industry

and here's some bunnies:

[] NICEIC launches bursary to encourage female electricians into the industry
I did note the Bursary is up to a maximum of £500, and if its anything like the response I got from Certsure last week at reducing my memberships fees, its unlikely those 'girls' are going to get anything more that a £50 M&S voucher (Certsure didn't even offer me that).

I think we should actively encourage more females into the industry, by whatever means possible, including this scheme. Then there would be somebody to make the tea at lunchtimes :)

I think we should actively encourage more females into the industry:)[/QUOTE]
If those six in tel's photo apply for a job, I might just take 'em up on it.:cool:
And you just undid 135 posts in one sentence! Ok, start again, ipf put his foot in it!

“If those six in tel's photo apply for a job, I might just take 'em up on it.:cool:
And you just undid 135 posts in one sentence! Ok, start again, ipf put his foot in it!
[QUOTE="ipf, post: 1377620, member: 20676"
If those six in tel's photo apply for a job, I might just take 'em up on it.:cool:/QUOTE]
I can't really find much I don't wholeheartedly agree with in your post.:D

To stay at the top takes dedication (long hours, the perpetual hamster wheel of new skills and so on) and for the most part it is a rather solitary pursuit. Yes there are teams but for the most part you're given a task and you get into your own head space to get it done. Take a look around a lot of software companies and nearly everyone is there with their headphones on. It's not a very social environment.
I'm not sure that's the case in my experience, if a place was like that I'd not stay there for long. I'm sure there are some who prefer that environment, and some companies do work that way, but it would exclude me from working there for long, or I'd go mad! I never wear head phones personally but I'd say probably 20% of my colleagues probably have them on at any one time.
educate kids that they can do anything (within reason) and sit back
This is the big question for me, how to educate. And how to know if it's worked and we've reached the "correct" level. And what the correct level is we should expect.

Thanks, you've given me a good perspective!:)All the best, John
And you just undid 135 posts in one sentence! Ok, start again, ipf put his foot in it!

“If those six in tel's photo apply for a job, I might just take 'em up on it.:cool:
I never even considered my foot.:confused:

To make the whole thing simple:- Male or female......
If you can do a job you can do it.....if you can't, you can't, whether it be mentally, physically.......or sexually, if it comes to it.
Besides, it all depends on what you want to do, if able...not on what some know-all decides or presumes.
I never even considered my foot.:confused:

To make the whole thing simple:- Male or female......
If you can do a job you can do it.....if you can't, you can't, whether it be mentally, physically.......or sexually, if it comes to it.
Besides, it all depends on what you want to do, if able...not on what some know-all decides or presumes.
my thoughts entirely. some ( male or female) are good at IT, figures, etc., and rubbish at practical, hands on the tools work. and vice versa. academic vs practical. where some are good at both. some are useless at both. sex of the person does not come into the equation except that generally, men are better with the heavier physical tasks. this is a fact of how we are made.
my thoughts entirely. some ( male or female) are good at IT, figures, etc., and rubbish at practical, hands on the tools work. and vice versa. academic vs practical. where some are good at both. some are useless at both. sex of the person does not come into the equation except that generally, men are better with the heavier physical tasks. this is a fact of how we are made.
Simple fact is, most lasses wouldn't fancy threading conduit...and midwifery just don't appeal to me, even if it does to some.
sorry realised I ignored most of your very good questions, here seem to be the fundamental ones which I find hardest to answer:

because firstly I think equality of opportunity is important. So everyone should be free to consider any job, even if they are the sort of person who doesn't stray far from society's expectations. Clearly you're not one who's been unduly influenced by these kinds of expectations, but many are if you see my previous post article about 6 year olds.
secondly I feel that having a more diverse selection of people offering services is good for the public. I have seen adverts locally for "lady decorator" and seen customer surveys saying people wish they could employ a female builder. So there's definitely demand, assuming that's a good thing? Basically if the people doing the work are representative of the customers, the workers are more likely to provide innovations that the customers need. That doesn't help the people with sight problems or dementia as much, but I do recognise this second point isn't a given for all underrepresented groups!

Extremely good question. I have no idea. In tech they make a deal about the fact that the first computer programmer was female, and programming used to be a job for ladies, but the same question applies there.

The answer to why we have the current gender imbalance is extremely simple. From the dawn of time up until fairly recently (we can argue about the date, but in terms of human evolution it really is very recently) there was no option. To be as brief as possible: men *HAD* to defend the tribe and woman *HAD* to raise the children. There really was no other way whatsoever of proceeding and have everybody survive. We are only now (having been enabled to do so by the wealth that technological progress has provided) starting to come to grips with the new freedoms that everybody is afforded to pursue their own individual thoughts, dreams, and aspirations.
Just bumping this topic to see if it caught any traction in the industry. It's been a while since the OP posted it. And I wonder if anybody has noticed any change at all with this?
Blatant sexism, trainees should be treated the same regardless of gender.

You hit the nail on the head,
Unfortunately the wrong way round.
Its because women in our industry are not treated the same.
Ive seen many women treated poorly and have had to leave due to sexism and a constant barrage of sexist "banta"
If the work place and shop floor showed more respect, then such bursaries would not be required.
There is a growing need for female trades people, particularly where vulnerable customers are requesting them.
There is a growing need for female trades people, particularly where vulnerable customers are requesting them.

That too is sexism, suggesting that female electricians are needed to serve 'vulnerable customers'. That is not treating male and female as equal, that is giving preferential treatment to one gender over another.
That too is sexism, suggesting that female electricians are needed to serve 'vulnerable customers'. That is not treating male and female as equal, that is giving preferential treatment to one gender over another.
just become Gender Neutral, saves a lot of unnecessary Banter
Keep it professional everybody. This is an important topic these days. Whatever side of the debate you're on it needs discussing a lot more.

Reply to NICEIC launches bursary to encourage female electricians into the industry in the Certification NICEIC, NAPIT, Stroma, BECSA Forum area at

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